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Relax. Relate. Release. 

Deepening the mother and babee connection through holisitc belly care. 

Honeybun Belly & Babee Spa  â€‹â€‹


Honey "Bun" In The Oven?

Our holistic maternity belly and infant spa service is crafted with care to nurture your mind, body, spirit, and babee honoring the deep connection between mother and child through every stage of this incredible journey. Healthy practices emphasize the importance of matrescence and caring for the mother too. Touch is the only nurturing therapy to guide you through pregnancy, labor, birth, breastfeeding and the postpartum.  Touch induces crucial hormones such as Oxytocin, the love hormone.  Whether you are in your first trimester or beginning your postpartum journey it's never too late to surrender to the process softly. Let Honey'Bun' wellness services sweeten the most important chapter of your life and bathe your mind. body, spirit and baBEE in love and community. 


Pregnancy Treatments available from 2nd trimester – 41 weeks’ gestation

Post-Partum Treatments available from 4 weeks post-partum onwards

Treatments available for women of all ages

For Expectant & Postpartum Mothers:

Focuses on the mind, body, and spirit and connecting with babee

Natural, handcrafted oils and gentle treatments 

Soothing to the pregnant body

Organic belly masks that nourish the skin

Energy-balancing therapies that promote inner peace and harmony

 Promotes your overall well-being,

Helps you stay grounded and connected as your babee grows.


For Infants:

Nurture your babee’s development with loving, holistic care

Calming massages

Warm water therapies, and sensory-rich experiences

Promotes stimulation, relaxation, growth, and bonding.

Foster your babee’s emotional and physical well-being


Our Care Model & Treatments


Honeybun Wellness Includes: 


Belly Facial & Massage

Babee Massage 

Postpartum Treatment

I blend ancient and Southern traditions with modern techniques to provide a holistic spa experience that honors the sacred journey of motherhood.


My expert care allows you to connect deeply with your babee and yourself, creating a space where you can thrive together.


Whether you're preparing for birth or nurturing your newborn, our holistic services are here to support your journey with love and intention.

Honey"bun" In The Oven (16+ wks)

Honeybun Bumpcial 

​Begin your emotional well being while your babee is in the womb. Connect with your body and experience our luxurious Seven-Step Belly Facial and Massage, a unique treatment designed to cleanse, nourish, hydrate and pamper your belly during pregnancy. This holistic approach not only promotes relaxation but also supports your skin’s health as it stretches and adapts to your growing babee but our herb infused skin care products aid in supple pregnancy glow. The benefits of Belly Facials: ​ Enhanced Skin Elasticity Deep Hydration Improved Circulation Stress Relief Prevention of Stretch Marks Connection with Babee Overall Skin Health

 Honeybun Labor


A holistic labor massage designed to support the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of expectant mothers. This service goes beyond mere relaxation, incorporating elements of mindfulness, energy work, and natural therapies to create a nurturing and healing experience for both mother and babee. The holistic pregnancy belly massage and stretching gently guides a pregnant body into labor progression with a nurturing treatment that honors the sacred journey of pregnancy. It integrates traditional massage and stretching techniques for the lower back and pelvis, This service is typically provided at minimum of 38 weeks in the comforts of your home, where mothers can relax and connect with their growing babee. The benefits of holistic belly massage are: Physical Emotional Balance Spiritual Connection Enhanced Circulation Relief of Round Ligament Pain Improved Mood Better Fetal Positioning Improved labor outcomes



Milk & Honey

Foot Bath, Belly Massage  

A postpartum herbal coconut milk-infused Himalayan foot bath is a luxurious and healing practice designed to promote emotional well-being and physical recovery after childbirth. This foot soak combines the nourishing properties of coconut milk with the therapeutic benefits of specific herbs, creating a soothing and restorative experience for new mothers. This service includes a belly massage, hand & foot reflexology. The benefits of an herbal foot soak: Relaxation Pain Relief Reduces Swelling Skin Nourishment Improved Sleep Quality Grounding and Centering

Postpartum (4+ wks)


Holistic recovery support during after childbirth or cesarean is an integrative approach to nurturing and caring for the postpartum body, focusing on providing comfort, stability, and overall well-being. This practice goes beyond physical support, incorporating emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of care to help expectant mothers feel balanced and connected throughout their postpartum recovery with sitz bath, belly/scar massage and foot soak and reflexology. Treatment begins 4 weeks postpartum The benefits of postpartum belly massage are: Improved physical support Improved back and hip support Spiritual Connection Holistic Well Being Improved digestion

Mommy & Babee (4+ wks)

Ba-BEE Tender


Infant & Babee Healing Massage Babee Massage Our healing babee massage is designed to offer holistic care to babees facing difficulties: premature birth, colic (constipation & bloating), restlessness, sleep issues, excessive crying, common cold/flu and those facing adjustment difficulties or health challenges The benefits of Babee massage and healing therapy: Colic Gastroesophageal Reflux (GERD) Diaper Rash Common Cold and Respiratory Infections Baby Acne Cradle Cap (Seborrheic Dermatitis) Umbilical Cord Infection Constipation Sleep Disturbances & Restlessness Release of Face & Body Tension Adjustment difficulties Skin Rashes (e.g., Eczema) Premature Birth

Ba-BEE Calm

  Bath & Massage 

Infant & Babee Healing Therapy Infant Babee Bath | Babee Massage & Sound Therapy Our Healing Babee Therapy is designed to offer holistic care to babees facing difficulties: premature birth, colic (constipation & bloating), restlessness, sleep issues, excessive crying, common cold/flu and those facing adjustment difficulties or health challenges Massage and healing therapy benefits babes with: Colic Gastroesophageal Reflux (GERD) Diaper Rash Common Cold and Respiratory Infections Baby Acne Cradle Cap (Seborrheic Dermatitis) Umbilical Cord Infection Constipation Sleep Disturbances & Restlessness Release of Face & Body Tension Adjustment difficulties Skin Rashes (e.g., Eczema) Premature Birth Benefits of massage include: Improved Circulation Body Awarenss Relaxation Stimulation Growth and Development Digestion/Constipation Increase of milk making hormones Boostin milk supply Better bonding Better latch and sucking Better sleep for you and babee Creates a daily sleep routine

Maternal Care

Bee Soothed


Holistic push present for a honey to bee or newly postpartum mother. For Special Occasions & Celebrations Birthdays, Babyshowers, Anniversary, A gift for a loved one, Push Present for a new mom This includes: Affirmations, Balloons, Platter Tray, Nesting Tray, Belly Bumpcial, Belly Stretching & Massage, Herbal Foot Soak, Hand Foot Reflexology, Belly Binding support Benefits are: Post Natal Health Massage Herbal Womb Treatment Yoni Steam Footology Health Platter & Refreshments Affirmation Balloons Non-Alcoholic Champagne Flower Bouquet Message Card & Chocolate

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