Hey Honey…. Thanks for taking the time to stop by and read more on this topic!
Are you wondering if you should stop your babee from breastfeeding and too much?

Whoa, honey! No!
Why, not Jada?

Because infants allowed to breastfeed on demand develop better control of appetite and feeding behaviours when introduced to solid foods than formula-fed infants. Leptin, a hormone that regulates food intake and energy metabolism, is present in breast milk.
Responsive feeding key to building your milk supply in the early days.

Breastfed infants have a reduced risk of becoming overweight and/or obese later in life. This protective effect has been partly attributed to the hormone leptin present in breastmilk.
Honey learn all this and more in The First Latch breastfeeding class. Reside in ATLANTA? Book your spot now for breastfeeding support and postpartum care with the link below.